I know you probably can't read that image unless you have 20/10 vision or something but it says "the revolution will not be televised." Don't ask me why I took a picture of those words written in pencil (who writes stuff on walls with a pencil?) on the wall of an airport bathroom, because I don't know. But I did, and I feel it suits this tape.
The main idea of this tape was that it was supposed to be something really heavy-handed and serious and ridiculous, but my love of silly pop music turned it into something that isn't serious at all and is also even more ridiculous than I envisioned. I basically sandwiched a bunch of feelgood lovey-dovey upbeat indie rock between a handful of hip-hop intro tracks that are basically spoken word rants about how much the US sucks, with a punk track and a country track thrown in for good measure, culminating in a song that is both a spoken word intro AND a feelgood superduper 90s pop rock affair.
Sound stupid? Well that's because it IS, and it makes me laugh so I'm posting it. Also, let me just take this moment to apologize profusely to the last.fm user Dorkling, who was unlucky enough to receive this tape in a monthly mix-trade. Sorry for putting you through this.
Title: I Thought It Mattered (There's A War Going On For Your Mind)Length: 55:33Download1. Flobots - "There's A War Going On For Your Mind"
2. At the Drive-In - "Star Slight"
3. Beat Happening - "Sleepy Head"
4. Squirrel Bait - "Perfect"
5. They Might Be Giants - "Santa's Beard"
6. Saul Williams - "Talk to Strangers"
7. The Flaming Lips - "She Don't Use Jelly"
8. Modest Mouse - "Broke"
9. Beck - "Walls"
10. R.E.M. - "Shiny Happy People"
11. The La's - "Timeless Melody"
12. Dalek - "Blessed Are They Who Bash Your Children's Heads Against A Rock"
13. O'Death - "Ratscars"
14. Grouper - "Heavy Water / I'd Rather Be Sleeping"
15. Skipping Girl Vinegar - "Sift the Noise"
16. Astronautalis - "The Case of William Smith"
17. The Postal Service - "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight"
18. Cap'n Jazz - "Theme From "90210""
19. Chumbawamba - "Tubthumping"